What is a Liebster Award, you ask?
The Liebster Award is given to bloggers by bloggers. It's given to up and coming bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. It's a way to acknowledge and encourage each other, and its a great way to spread the word about smaller blogs who deserve a larger audience.
Here's what I (the recipient) have to do:
1) Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
2) Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you PLUS you MUST create 11 questions of your own for the 11 people you will nominate with this award.
3) Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them to your post.
4) Go to their pages and inform them of the nominations.
5) Absolutely NO tag backs.
6) Remember to ONLY tag bloggers with less than 200 followers
Here are my 11 questions:
1. Pickles: Sour or sweet? Sweet of course
2. Favorite movie of all time? Has to be One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
3. Handsdown best comfort food ever? Oh golly..hmmmm....Chocolate!!!!
4. Favorite crayon color? Red, like there is another...psh
5. Digital or print photography? I am a HUGE lover of digital
6. Early bird or night owl? lately night owl (hence the name lol)
7. Coffee or tea? Tea, Chai, Sweet tea. oh yea
8. Curl up with a good book, or a movie? Give me a movie please
9. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? The airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles per hour, beating its wings 7-9 times per second (rather than 43).
10. Is 3.14 was really a pie, what flavor would it be? Apple or Blueberry Crumb
11. Doctor Who? only if it is 10. LOVE me some David Tennent
2. Favorite movie of all time? Has to be One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
3. Handsdown best comfort food ever? Oh golly..hmmmm....Chocolate!!!!
4. Favorite crayon color? Red, like there is another...psh
5. Digital or print photography? I am a HUGE lover of digital
6. Early bird or night owl? lately night owl (hence the name lol)
7. Coffee or tea? Tea, Chai, Sweet tea. oh yea
8. Curl up with a good book, or a movie? Give me a movie please
9. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? The airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles per hour, beating its wings 7-9 times per second (rather than 43).
10. Is 3.14 was really a pie, what flavor would it be? Apple or Blueberry Crumb
11. Doctor Who? only if it is 10. LOVE me some David Tennent
Here are my nominees:
Sociology Graduate with PDD-NOS
Autism Family Adventures
And my questions for my nominees are:
1) What is your favorite thing to do when the kids go to bed?
2) Favorite book?
3) Where would you love to go on vacation?
4) If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
5) Hamburgers or hot dogs?
6) The next person to stare at your child what would you say to them?
7) Where is your place to get away on your own?
8) Favorite TV show?
9) Paper or Plastic?
10) Should therapy for Autistic Children be mandatory at any age?
Congrats and happy blogging.
Until Laterz,
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